The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique identifier issued to taxpayers engaged in taxable activities in a specific country. Taxpayers are assigned a unique TIN once they are officially registered with the relevant tax authority.
A TIN can be a combination of letters and numbers and can vary for different countries based on the regulations imposed by the tax authorities and government entities of the specific country.
Here are the most common tax IDs:
Country | Tax ID |
U.S. | TIN |
Canada | GST/HST ID |
India | GST |
Poland | NIP |
United Kingdom |
Businesses: VAT |
Australia | ABN |
Mexico | RFC |
Philippines | TIN |
France |
Intra-community: Numéro de TVA intra-communautaire (intra-community VAT number) |
Czech Republic | DIČ |
Refer to this article to learn about tax ID formats of other countries.