Here’s how you can select the correct tax ID type in Airbase:
- U.S. Tax ID: Select the Tax ID type as U.S. Tax ID if the Tax ID has been issued to you by the U.S. government. When the Tax ID type is selected as U.S. Tax ID, Airbase validates the Tax ID details against the IRS records. If you are a U.S.-based vendor being paid by a U.S. customer on Airbase, the Tax ID type is set to U.S. by default.
- VAT: Select the Tax ID type as VAT to provide an International Tax ID, such as VAT ID or GST ID. When the Tax ID type is selected as VAT, Airbase validates the Tax ID details against the government records of the same country displayed under the Contact Info section in the vendor profile.
- Local Tax ID: Select the Tax ID type as Local Tax ID to provide tax ID types other than U.S., GST, or VAT.
Tax ID type is set to U.S. Tax ID by default for the U.S. vendors getting paid in the U.S., and it cannot be edited.